What Remains After the Storm

“This wasn’t anything we expected.”

COTW staff member, MaryBeth Rouse, shares experiences and photos from the recent catastrophic hurricane to hit our area - and of our COTW staff and their families, pressing forward in the aftermath to answer our call for His Purpose.

As many of you experienced, and some of you are aware, our home-base (the gulf coast of Alabama) was recently devastated by Hurricane Sally. Friends, I do not exaggerate when I say - this storm was catastrophic. Taking what seemed an eternity to arrive and be gone, the storm drenched our area with massive amounts of rain (10-30 inches, depending on location) and plowed through with Cat 2 & 3 speed winds. The ancient oaks and pines were no match for these conditions. During the first few hours of Wednesday, September 16th, one by one the trees started to fall - taking down power lines and other infrastructure, blocking roads, and crushing homes, barns, cars, and more.

Four weeks later, our homes are still blocked from view by the mountains of debris Hurricane Sally left in her wake. There’s something captivating about the piles of massive tree trunks and mammoth fallen oaks, with stumps where it’s limbs had covered the road. They’re almost like a surrealist’ painting. But, a stressful reminder of how far we still have to go.

I have lived on the Alabama Gulf Coast for 20 years. I grew up here, I know what to expect with hurricanes. But ask any gulf coast resident with at least minimal knowledge of hurricanes past - and they will tell you,

this storm wasn’t anything we expected.

I can only speak for myself, but when I heard a weak Cat 2 storm was headed our way my first instinct was, “whelp, I had better stock up on good snacks and make sure the kids have all their toys inside”. Don’t get me wrong, we prepared (but for a “typical” Cat 1-2 storm). We are lucky, my husband is an amazing mechanic-handy-man’s-man, and he’d secured a generator with plenty of extension cords and fans … just in case. But honestly, that was just about as “prepared” as we felt experience had taught us to be.

We might loose power for a few hours (a day - tops) …. most communities were without power for 4-5 days - and some without for 10+ days. We might have a few limbs to clean up …. everywhere you look, there are dozens of massive uprooted and fallen trees. Nothing like what we expected, and this left everyone vulnerable and unprepared.

Cue up the 2020 parallels - yes, they are justified. We are 3/4 of the way into a year that has brought storm after storm - including ones that crash into our own backyards.

Both on the global and local scale, we experience these storms roll in - barely coming up for air before the next tragedy or media bombardment hits. Every time: this is not what we expected; we were not prepared. And yet every time still, in the aftermath, we find that goodness begins to rise along with love to serve and comfort the hurt. Why is it that we overestimate our own “wherewithal” and underestimate not only how badly the evil one wants us to take our eyes off God, but how close God remains - even when we loose focus?

This is a segment from my recent post announcing our decision to postpone the annual Big World Bash Event:

During our current season of trials, both global and local, Children of the World has not been immune to the same financial and emotional crises felt by many – yet, there is still much work to be done. We believe the Lord is faithful, and continues to use COTW for His Purpose. This is why we have tremendous confidence in how the Holy Spirit is leading our team with wisdom and discernment to assemble our talents and focus our efforts in the direction of more critical needs.

Friends, we too have felt the fatigue of repeated trials. It’s safe to say; waking up on Sept 16th, we didn’t feel “joy” or “peace” or “comfort”. Aimless seems like the right way to describe the 1st 24hrs after landfall. But as He calmed the winds and our hearts tuned to the sound of His presence - we were aimless no more! Neighbors emerged, communities gathered, and hope was redeemed!

In the midst of a Global Pandemic …….


Or in the aftermath of a hurricane


God’s purpose for our lives still remains.

It’s scary to be in the middle of the storm. But once it’s over, and you either find yourself strengthened by faith or renewed by the faith of others - do you ever think “Well what did he (satan) think would happen? God promises to use all things for the good of those who love Him”

Let’s share and learn this lesson together: 2020 is not the storm. Hurricane Sally, the West Coast Fires, and the Presidential Election are not the storm either. The storm is the fight satan brings for our hearts -and if he can not succeed in taking, he will be satisfied with turning our them away from God.

Never before can I recall a time in my life when this verse has been more uplifting: “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

The evidence is all around that He is STILL among - and overcomes the trials of this world!

As tough and scary / damaging and constraining every season has been, and will be - even when everything seems to have changed - God and His Purpose Remain! The servants of the Lord still rise up from each fall, ready to do the next right thing with love as their motive.

2020 may have changed the rules, but His Purpose still remains